10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Throwing In the Towel on Your Marriage

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Throwing In the Towel on Your Marriage

Making the decision to stay or leave your marriage may seem overwhelming in the wake of a revealed affair or other traumatizing event. It’s normal upon hearing that a spouse has been unfaithful to assume the marriage is over and that the love you once shared is gone forever. Both partners may feel highly emotional and perhaps hopeless about their future together.

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Ask Alice: LDS Garments and Eroticism
Ask a Therapist, Sex Therapy Dr. Alice Roberts, PhD, LCSW, CST Ask a Therapist, Sex Therapy Dr. Alice Roberts, PhD, LCSW, CST

Ask Alice: LDS Garments and Eroticism

Today’s question:

My question is in regards to LDS garments, and the effect they have on purity culture and our sex lives in marriage. My husband and I have been working really hard to improve our sensual relationship. In realizing after 13 years of marriage that we have fallen victim to a lifetime of culture (from the world and our church), and it is time for us to individually really connect with the innate sensual sides of ourselves. One suggestion from an article was to just simply mentally check in with our sensual beings in simple ways throughout the day. I loved that suggestion but instantly realized my garments have become a block to me. When I have them on I simply don't allow myself to feel sensual, or sexy. How can I get over this block?

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What Do I Do If I Just Don't Like Sex?
Ask a Therapist, Sex Therapy, Mental/Emotional Health Carole Kamradt, LCSW Ask a Therapist, Sex Therapy, Mental/Emotional Health Carole Kamradt, LCSW

What Do I Do If I Just Don't Like Sex?

“I think I’m broken.”

“I hate the thought of being touched anymore. I could live the rest of my life without having sex again. Does this mean I am asexual?”

“Sex is the last thing I want to do. All my partner and I do is fight about it.”

These are just a few of the statements I have heard over the years, working with women as a Certified Sex Therapist and relationship counselor.

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7 Signs of Affective Codependency
Mental Health, Emotional Health, Ask a Therapist, Codependency Lyna Tevenaz Jones, CMHC Intern Mental Health, Emotional Health, Ask a Therapist, Codependency Lyna Tevenaz Jones, CMHC Intern

7 Signs of Affective Codependency

Generosity, kindness, empathy…without these qualities no relational growth would be possible. The qualities and traits that often foster healthy and supportive relationships can also move into codependency when they become imbalanced in our life because any excess can quickly turn toxic. Here are some signs that you may be experiencing emotional co-dependency.

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Subtle Signs of Emotional Abuse in Marriage: Good Things Utah

Abuse is a tough topic to talk about, but it's so important that we know signs to watch out for. While physical abuse is easy to identify, emotional abuse can be more subtle but can be just as damaging (while most everyone has mistreated their partner at times, we are talking about repeated and consistent behavior). Here are some signs of emotional abuse in marriage:

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5 Common Marriage Questions Answered: Good Things Utah

Every married couple has problems, so why is it that when we're struggling in our marriages we can feel so alone? I recently sat down with the ladies of "Good Things Utah" to answer some marriage questions that viewers had written in.

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How to Communicate Your Needs: Family Looking Up Podcast

I recently sat down with the ladies of "Family Looking Up" to discuss how women's assertiveness can help our families. The conversation included clearing up misconceptions about assertiveness (such as the false idea that it equates to being aggressive or selfish) and also how women can view their own needs as being equal to that of their children and their partner. If you're interested in learning more about how to improve your communication style, practicing self-compassion, and saying no without guilt, take a listen!

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Self-Care Helps Your Relationships: Good Things Utah

So often in relationships, we are aware of the other person's needs and work to fulfill them. While this is a wonderful trait, it can lead to burnout if we chronically neglect ourselves. Here are some self-care tips that actually help strengthen our relationships with others:

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How to Achieve Emotional Intelligence in Marriage: Good Things Utah

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize emotion and to use it to improve your life and your relationships. It is truly one of the most important skills you can develop as a human being, and yet it's not something we seem to talk about very often. Here are some ways to work to achieve Emotional Intelligence in your marriage. 

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The Three Communication Styles: Good Things Utah

The Three Communication Styles: Good Things Utah

One of the biggest problems in marriage is poor communication. There's so much emotional history and baggage, and both people have thoughts, feelings, and need that can cloud the situation, so it's easy to miss each other. It's important to understand three distinct communication styles and how they can hinder or help our ability to connect with each other.

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Answering Your Questions About Balancing Marriage & Motherhood: Good Things Utah

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my friends at "Good Things Utah" and answer some viewer questions that dealt with balancing a woman's marriage with her motherhood responsibilities. Here are some questions (and my responses to them):

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How to Have A Tough Conversation: Good Things Utah

If you have any kind of close relationship, you've almost certainly experienced needing to have a tough conversation. Maybe it's about children, in-laws, unmet expectations, but when concerns arise (and they do), you need to talk about it. But when emotions are high and there's a lot at stake, things can quickly get derailed. Inspired by my research, personal experiences, and my years as a clinician, I've developed an acronym that can be used as a tool to navigate these difficult discussions. It's called "OSCAR."

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4 Tips To Successfully Co-Parent After A Divorce: Good Things Utah

Divorces are traumatic, painful, and messy; there are so many raw emotions to work through, but if children are involved, the most important priority for two adults is to work to make sure that their kids are well taken care of. Here are four tips to successfully co-parent following a divorce: 

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