Self-Care Helps Your Relationships: Good Things Utah

So often in relationships, we are aware of the other person's needs and work to fulfill them. While this is a wonderful trait, it can lead to burnout if we chronically neglect ourselves. Here are some self-care tips that actually help strengthen our relationships with others:

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How To Cope As A Solo Parent: Studio 5

We often hear of the challenges that single parents have, but another group sometimes get overlooked: solo parents are those who are not divorced or widowed but carry a very large portion of the family load because their spouse is often away. Whether it's due to military service, religious commitments, or irregular work hours, many parents (women in particular) find themselves shouldering the bulk of the home and family responsibilities. Here are some strategies to cope as a solo parent: 

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How to Achieve Emotional Intelligence in Marriage: Good Things Utah

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize emotion and to use it to improve your life and your relationships. It is truly one of the most important skills you can develop as a human being, and yet it's not something we seem to talk about very often. Here are some ways to work to achieve Emotional Intelligence in your marriage. 

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The Three Communication Styles: Good Things Utah

The Three Communication Styles: Good Things Utah

One of the biggest problems in marriage is poor communication. There's so much emotional history and baggage, and both people have thoughts, feelings, and need that can cloud the situation, so it's easy to miss each other. It's important to understand three distinct communication styles and how they can hinder or help our ability to connect with each other.

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4 Ways To Manage Smartphones & Family Relationships: Good Things Utah

4 Ways To Manage Smartphones & Family Relationships: Good Things Utah

Smartphones are here to stay, and they can be a wonderful way to stay in touch with friends, work in our careers, and keep up on what's going on in the world. However, in some ways they are becoming a huge problem for so many families. Kids and adults are so connected to our phones that we often become disconnected from each other! Here are some tips to manage tech overload and scale back:

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Recognizing and Healing from Manipulative Relationships: Art of Connection

Recognizing and Healing from Manipulative Relationships: Art of Connection

I recently sat down with Baya Voce, host of The Art of connection, to talk about narcissism, sociopathy, pathological lying, gaslighting and so much more. The biggest take-home message is that anyone can find themselves in a manipulative relationship, and you can heal.

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Your Voice Matters & the Gift of Resentment: Video Interview on

Delightful video interview with Mallory Grimste about the importance of women speaking up, how to learn from resentment, and personal experiences that inspired my new book The Assertiveness Guide for Women

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5 Ways to Cultivate More Optimism: Studio 5

We've all faked a smile to get past a rough patch, but there are ways to actually increase our happiness naturally. It's true that some people may be more prone to having a positive outlook- whether because of their genetics, environment, or upbringing. However, there are still strategies that all people can use in order to train themselves to "look up" a little more. Here are some ways to cultivate optimism in your life:

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