Songs For Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month
Emotional Health, Grief & Loss Elizabeth Shipman, AMFT Emotional Health, Grief & Loss Elizabeth Shipman, AMFT

Songs For Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month

Sometimes there are no words that can help ease pain experienced in our lives. The only thing we can do is ride the waves of emotion. Sitting with emotions can be really uncomfortable and even scary. I’ve found that music can help me feel the feelings I need to feel in a controlled way so I can move with the wave until it subsides and I can feel my feet under me again.

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How To Get Along With In-Laws: Good Things Utah

Marriage is a wonderful change, but it certainly brings some challenges, not just for the couple involved, but also for the in-law relationship dynamic. Here are my top 3 tips for daughter-in-laws and mother-in-laws:

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Protecting Our Loved Ones in Ecclesiastical Situations: Mormon Matters Podcast

I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on a recent episode of the "Mormon Matters" podcast; I joined other LDS therapists to talk about ways that we can ensure ourselves and our families are protected in ecclesiastical situations. With the #MeToo movement and other instances of high-profiled men abusing their position of power to take advantage of vulnerable people, it's time we take a look at the dynamics of how all of this applies to Mormonism. The purpose of our discussion was not to instill paranoia or fear that dominates our thoughts, but instead to empower Mormon families to be smart and safe in how they approach ecclesiastical settings. 

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4 Tips To Successfully Co-Parent After A Divorce: Good Things Utah

Divorces are traumatic, painful, and messy; there are so many raw emotions to work through, but if children are involved, the most important priority for two adults is to work to make sure that their kids are well taken care of. Here are four tips to successfully co-parent following a divorce: 

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When Your Holidays Aren't Merry: Dr. Julie Hanks on Mom Show on KSL Radio

When Your Holidays Aren't Merry: Dr. Julie Hanks on Mom Show on KSL Radio

The pressure to be cheerful and happy during the holidays can be particularly hard for people dealing with grief and loss: the death of a loved one, your first Christmas since being divorced, job loss, or just the passage of time. Lindsay Aerts, host of The Mom Show on KSL Radio, and I sat down to talk about how to manage painful feelings during a time when you're "supposed" to be merry.

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