Technology Has Changed You!!!

Technology Has Changed You!!!

According to a recent study conducted by the market research group Nielsen, American adults average 11 hours per day reading, listening, surfing, posting, or interacting with media. Find solutions and ideas for counteracting the negative effects of excessive social media us on families.

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Tips & Ideas to Help Your Child Navigate Difficult Times

Tips & Ideas to Help Your Child Navigate Difficult Times

Stressful times can be challenging to navigate, and children do not always have the words to express their feelings. Children are perceptive, and they feel the effects of change. Here are some ways to help your child navigate difficult times.

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The Power of EMDR Therapy
Mental Health, Emotional Health Jamie Kelly, CSW Mental Health, Emotional Health Jamie Kelly, CSW

The Power of EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (or EMDR) therapy is a structured approach to psychotherapy that aims to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories. It was developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s and has since gained widespread recognition as an evidence-based treatment for trauma-related conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and more.

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I Just Want to Fix It: How to Help your Stressed Out Partner

I Just Want to Fix It: How to Help your Stressed Out Partner

Every person experiences hardships and stress from various sources, such as friendships, employment, health issues, or parenting. These stressors can create feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, confusion, and helplessness, and create physical health issues including breathing issues, inability to sleep, muscle tension, headaches, and so on. When people are struggling, it is perfectly natural to turn to our significant other to find relief and support. However, there are times when reaching out leads to pain or annoyance.

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Embracing Radical Acceptance: A Path to Inner Peace
Mental Health, Emotional Health Rachel Rose, LMFT Mental Health, Emotional Health Rachel Rose, LMFT

Embracing Radical Acceptance: A Path to Inner Peace

Radical acceptance is both a concept and skill that involves acknowledging and embracing reality as it is, even when the reality is difficult or painful. Radical acceptance is a concept utilized in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) as a distress tolerance skill. Understanding and implementing this skill does not mean that we approve of the blunt reality - we may hate it! What it means is that we are willing to lean in to the blunt reality in order to allow ourselves to more quickly and resiliently move on to focus our internal and external resources towards more values-consistent behaviors.

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How to “Ground” Your Child
Adolescents, Anxiety, Children, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Play Therapy Nathan Watkins, LMFT, RPT™️ Adolescents, Anxiety, Children, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Play Therapy Nathan Watkins, LMFT, RPT™️

How to “Ground” Your Child

While you won’t be getting any discipline tips, the mindfulness and grounding techniques for kids presented here pose many benefits for you and your child, including allowing your child to be more present especially when becoming behaviorally or emotionally dysregulated.

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Turn to Face the Change: How Therapy Helps People Make Positive Change Daily
Counseling, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Therapy Nathan Watkins, LMFT, RPT™️ Counseling, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Therapy Nathan Watkins, LMFT, RPT™️

Turn to Face the Change: How Therapy Helps People Make Positive Change Daily

One of the most important factors of making change with therapy is the therapeutic relationship. The therapeutic relationship is the trust you have with your therapist. It is what makes you feel comfortable with him/her as you come frequently without judgment of what you have going on.

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Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Compassionate Approach to Reducing Shame
Mental Health, Emotional Health Hillary Harmon, MFT Intern Mental Health, Emotional Health Hillary Harmon, MFT Intern

Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Compassionate Approach to Reducing Shame

Shame is a complex and powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives. From the perspective of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), shame is often intricately connected to our sense of self and our relationships with others. In this blog post, our focus will be on understanding how shame arises when we perceive ourselves as different from those in our environment, and how embracing the principles of EFT can help individuals reduce shame and foster a sense of connection.

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Are We Compatible? Relationship Advice For How Couples Can Fight Fair

Are We Compatible? Relationship Advice For How Couples Can Fight Fair

If you’ve ever wondered if your conflict is normal, the truth is healthy couples have conflicts. Follow this relationship advice to learn how to fight fair in your marriage and create a better bond and relationship.

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and How Can It Help You?
Mental Health, Emotional Health Kilee Luthi, CMHC Intern Mental Health, Emotional Health Kilee Luthi, CMHC Intern

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and How Can It Help You?

ACT is one model of psychotherapy that is considered a “third wave” approach, or branch off, of CBT. Most of us have heard of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and look for therapists who use CBT to treat a variety of mental health concerns. The ACT model aims to help individuals achieve psychological flexibility.

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Am I an Empath?

Am I an Empath?

An empath is often described as one who identifies with another person’s emotions as if they were their own. This personality trait goes beyond the usual definitions of relating to others. For example, being sympathetic is merely understanding another’s experience. Empathy moves beyond this definition, where somebody feels for or with another person.

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The Power of Listening Part II: Friends, Family, and Partners
Human Development, Emotional Health Dr. Trisha Weeks Human Development, Emotional Health Dr. Trisha Weeks

The Power of Listening Part II: Friends, Family, and Partners

Giving one another our attention is powerful. It signals that we are interested. It invites the speaker to continue to engage with us. It communicates that we are interested not only in their story, but in them. It is a subtle sign of acceptance, of inclusion, and of worth. It doesn’t mean we agree with the speaker, but it does mean that we see them.

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4 Reasons Why Successful Men May Make Horrible Husbands

4 Reasons Why Successful Men May Make Horrible Husbands

You can’t change yesterday, but you can certainly change today. And more importantly, tomorrow and your future by being home and totally “present” tonight!

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Beating the Winter Blues: A Social Worker's Guide to Embracing Light and Wellness
Mental Health, Emotional Health Ang Haroldsen, LCSW Mental Health, Emotional Health Ang Haroldsen, LCSW

Beating the Winter Blues: A Social Worker's Guide to Embracing Light and Wellness

As the days grow shorter and the darkness descends earlier, many individuals find themselves grappling with the emotional weight of seasonal depression. As a social worker, I understand the impact that changing seasons can have on mental health. In this post, we’ll explore 7 effective and practical tips to help you and your child navigate the challenges of the winter blues and emerge stronger, happier, and healthier.

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5 Ways Psychodynamic Therapy Can Benefit You
Mental Health, Emotional Health Lyna Tevenaz Jones, CMHC Intern Mental Health, Emotional Health Lyna Tevenaz Jones, CMHC Intern

5 Ways Psychodynamic Therapy Can Benefit You

Rooted in psychoanalytic theory, psychodynamic therapy focuses on helping clients become aware of their unconscious processes. More specifically, how feelings, impulses, and defense mechanisms may be influencing your current behavior and personality, and why those mechanisms were created in the first place.

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What is Movember and How Does it Relate to Mental Health?
Emotional Health, Men's Issues, Mental Health Nathan Watkins, LMFT, RPT™️ Emotional Health, Men's Issues, Mental Health Nathan Watkins, LMFT, RPT™️

What is Movember and How Does it Relate to Mental Health?

Movember is primarily to bring attention to various medical and mental health issues that men often face or go unspoken, and to promote longer healthier men’s lives. Movember examines mental health from a perspective tailored to men, emphasizing preventative measures, early intervention, and the promotion of well-being.

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Antidepressants Aren’t Always Medications
Mental Health, Emotional Health Kylee Owens, ACMHC Mental Health, Emotional Health Kylee Owens, ACMHC

Antidepressants Aren’t Always Medications

Did you know that depression can be influenced by a loss of connection? What areas in your life are you feeling disconnect? Perhaps it’s at work or with people, maybe you feel disconnected from joy as you seek after achievements. It’s possible to disconnect from the past, especially if you have experienced traumatic events. Disconnect can also arise in the face of inequality. Maybe a lack of movement is disconnecting you from your body or the world around you.

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