Female in woods sad after being rejected

Photo by Ben Waardenburg on Unsplash

No one likes to be rejected. No one. But the reality is that rejection is and always will be a part of our lives. If you’ve recently been rejected and are searching for tips on how to handle rejection, how to handle being rejected, or mental health tips after rejection you’re in the right place. Keep reading for information and resources that may help you handle rejection.

The Truth About Rejection

Whether it's not landing that job you desperately wanted or getting turned down for a date, it's painful to be told, "no." And what can be even worse is that for some people, being rejected can send them spiraling into self-doubt. After rejection, negative thoughts like, "What's wrong with me?" or, "I'll never be able to get ahead in my career" can add to your frustration and may even limit you from pursuing goals in the future.

But, the truth is that rejection is universal and unavoidable; everyone is rejected at some point!

How to Handle Rejection

Thankfully, there are some key things to remember and strategies to help you avoid getting emotionally crushed. Here are some helpful ways to deal with being rejected:

Step Back And View What Happened
If you are obsessing over being rejected, you might want to step back and view what happened as objectively as you can. We sometimes tend to catastrophize or make some things seem worse than they are. Just because you feel rejected doesn't mean you actually are.

Consider the Source
There are certain individuals whose feedback you should listen to (such as your boss, spouse, or close friend), but if you don’t value the person who rejected you or put you down, try not to waste your time or energy worrying about what they said.

But what if the rejection is personal and someone you care about has rejected you? Though it's painful, you can use the opportunity to self-reflect and if necessary, course correct. Is there something you missed in the relationship? How could you improve next time?

Reach Out and Share Your Feelings
If you can't shake the sting of rejection in a reasonable amount of time, consider reaching out and sharing your feelings. A public post on social media isn’t the best avenue, but calling up a friend who can an ear may be a great help. Express your pain and frustration, cry if you need to, and brainstorm your next move. Remember not to allow the vent session to go on too long or expect someone else to solve your troubles.

Understand that Rejection is NOT a Reflection of Your Self-Worth
And finally, the most important thing you can do to cope healthily is to understand that rejection does not reflect your self-worth. You are unique, valuable, and worthy of love.

Resources for Handling Rejection

Experiencing rejection is never fun, but it doesn't have to deliver a permanent blow to your self-esteem. Viewing the rejection in context, practicing self-compassion, reaching out for connection, and using it as a teaching lesson can help you bounce back and thrive. If you have been rejected and need help navigating the feelings and emotions stemming from that rejection, it may be time to schedule a therapy appointment.

For therapy in Utah, schedule your next session by texting or calling us at 801.944.4555 or filling out this form. Our Utah therapists are ready to walk alongside you and help you thrive. Finding therapy near me or a therapist near me has never been easier. Wasatch Family Therapy in Utah also offers virtual therapy.

*This post was originally written by a former therapist at Wasatch Family Therapy in Utah but has since been updated.


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