Avoiding Unrighteous Dominion: Mormon Marriages Podcast

I recently sat down with Nate and Angilyn Bagley to discuss issues relating to unrighteous dominion in marriages. This phrase comes from the scripture in Doctrine & Covenants 121:9 that reads, "[w]e have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority...they will begin to recognize unrighteous dominion." 

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4 Ways To Manage Smartphones & Family Relationships: Good Things Utah

4 Ways To Manage Smartphones & Family Relationships: Good Things Utah

Smartphones are here to stay, and they can be a wonderful way to stay in touch with friends, work in our careers, and keep up on what's going on in the world. However, in some ways they are becoming a huge problem for so many families. Kids and adults are so connected to our phones that we often become disconnected from each other! Here are some tips to manage tech overload and scale back:

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Protecting Our Loved Ones in Ecclesiastical Situations: Mormon Matters Podcast

I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on a recent episode of the "Mormon Matters" podcast; I joined other LDS therapists to talk about ways that we can ensure ourselves and our families are protected in ecclesiastical situations. With the #MeToo movement and other instances of high-profiled men abusing their position of power to take advantage of vulnerable people, it's time we take a look at the dynamics of how all of this applies to Mormonism. The purpose of our discussion was not to instill paranoia or fear that dominates our thoughts, but instead to empower Mormon families to be smart and safe in how they approach ecclesiastical settings. 

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Answering Your Questions About Balancing Marriage & Motherhood: Good Things Utah

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my friends at "Good Things Utah" and answer some viewer questions that dealt with balancing a woman's marriage with her motherhood responsibilities. Here are some questions (and my responses to them):

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How to Have A Tough Conversation: Good Things Utah

If you have any kind of close relationship, you've almost certainly experienced needing to have a tough conversation. Maybe it's about children, in-laws, unmet expectations, but when concerns arise (and they do), you need to talk about it. But when emotions are high and there's a lot at stake, things can quickly get derailed. Inspired by my research, personal experiences, and my years as a clinician, I've developed an acronym that can be used as a tool to navigate these difficult discussions. It's called "OSCAR."

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