Healing From Betrayal and Developing Healthy Intimacy

Healing From Betrayal and Developing Healthy Intimacy

Humans need relationships. From infancy, we learn to depend on others for our wellbeing. As we grow we become more independent, however even as adults we need relationships to create a strong sense of self and a secure base we can fall back on when bad things happen. According to Dr. Freyd, “Betrayal trauma occurs when the people or institutions on which a person depends for survival significantly violate that person’s trust or well-being” (2008).

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The What and Why of Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy, Mental/Emotional Health Jeff Lundgren, CMHC Couples Therapy, Mental/Emotional Health Jeff Lundgren, CMHC

The What and Why of Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is a form of therapy that helps couples improve their relationship and work through challenges they may face. It's important to note that the goal of couples therapy is not to keep a couple married or encourage them to get divorced. Instead, it's about providing a safe space for couples to heal wounds, gain insight, and work on their relationship.

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