Mark Twain once said that he could go for two months on a good compliment.
Sincere compliments build self esteem in ourselves and others,and foster feelings of good will, peace and thus harmony.
To quote Leo Buscaglia, "Honest compliments are simple, and cost nothing to give...we must not underestimate their worth."
Here is a list of phrases that are complimentary in nature that are easy to use.  Try them!
 *  You make me happy!
 *  I trust you.
*  I like it when you...
*  I know you can do this.
*  You are special.
*  I am grateful for you.
*  I love you.
*  I believe in you.
*  I am proud of you.
Because nearly everyone appreciates a compliment, be sure to use them daily.  The primary reason being, "The life and love we create is the life and love we live."  L. Buscagia
For more inspirational thoughts related to creating abundant relationships of LOVE, please refer to any or all of these publications authored by; Leo Buscagia, Ph.D.
"Born for Love, Reflections on loving"
"Personhood,  The art of being fully human"
"Loving each other, The challenge of Human Relationships"
"Living, Learning and Loving"
"LOVE, A warm and wonderful book about the Largest experience in life"
"Bus 9 to Paradise"
"The way of the Bull"

10 Sure-Fire Ways to Have Awful Sex


Free Printables: What NOT to Say (and what TO say) to a Loved One Leaving the Church