Does this title seem cheesy?  Well, it is legit!  Over the last 15 years the science of happiness is a serious area of study with validated research supporting it.  Among the findings are:1-The brain can be changed. The scientific term for this is "neuroplasticity" meaning you can teach the old brain new tricks.2-We can train our brain like a muscle, by adopting new thought patterns that can rewire negative thoughts.3-All of us are hard wired for negativity (blame evolution!) so we all need to learn new ways to react and deal with everyday stresses.4-Re wiring the brain does not take a lot of effort! A few simple things will go a long way to change sadness into happiness.As a therapist, I am always looking for new tools that support my 5 main treatment goals for clients:1) Conquer negative thoughts, 2) Gain confidence, 3) Boost optimism, 4)Reduce Stress and last: Improve Relationships.  Don't these 5 ares cover most everything?One tool I have discovered to be very helpful is the website  This website is amazing and has helped many of my clientele gain daily tools to manage stress as they sign up for daily happify, a video, quote, story or exercises that sets the mood for your entire day. What I love about this website is it is run by Positive Psychologists, Mindfulness coaches and other PHD level professionals that use research to instruct online users HOW to achieve overall balance and happiness. In addition, they offer ways to track your happiness but implementing a test every 2 weeks that measures your happiness. As a therapist, I endorse this fantastic website and find  it to be a great supplement to weekly therapy.  Most of the methods are based on DBT, (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) which is a evidence based therapy with practical methods that work fairly quickly. Check out today and understand how "Happiness is Winnable". Best part is it is free!


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