canstockphoto1624254Difficult challenges seem to come in bulk- it's a real phenomenon of life. These strange time periods in which there is a piling of  negative events one on top of another is experienced so universally that we all say, "When it rains, it pours." How do we outlast the down-pour? Stress is a fact of life. Thankfully, some of it can be alleviated by honestly evaluating our priorities, relationships, behaviors, etc., and making different and healthier choices. But, some of it just has to be lived through. (Example: last week I was dealing with a horrendous tax audit chore when my car decided to break down, expensively. That was chased with an extended family emergency and a two day migraine... You've been there, right?) Stress is part of life, but misery does not have to be! If you choose to, you can navigate the rainy times of life healthfully and resiliently. You can, and should, honor your feelings and acknowledge that things suck sometimes. Write it out, talk it out, and don't pretend everything is okay. But then give yourself a break and navigate the storm with confidence.Here's how:Write down as many pleasurable and relaxing activities that you can think of. Many of them should be free, in case of financially stressful times. Use this list to take care of yourself and wait for the sun to start shining again. Worrying solves nothing. Take a break; enjoy something. Get lost in a book. The problem will still be there when you're done playing with your dog, trust me. Memorize some mantras that are empowering to you for times of emotional overwhelm. Positive self talk is everything when you feel fatigued from life! I'll let you peruse some of mine if you need some ideas:

  • It'll be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
  • This, too, shall pass.
  • I've survived a lot of hard things, and I'll survive this, too.
  • Anxiety won't kill me, it just doesn't feel good.
  • I'm strong enough for this.
  • Everything changes. This is only temporary.

Finally, a few basic coping skill reminders: Get enough sleep!! Drink water, eat well. Take walks and breathe deeply. Get enough sleep!! Learn how to say 'no' to unwise time commitments. And did I mention, get enough sleep?!


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