Say Yes to Saying No! Real Simple Magazine Interview

Watch for my advice on saying no in Jan. 2017 Real Simple Magazine cover story "Say Yes to Saying No"! Saying no is necessary but it's rarely easy. Need help to to say no? Look no further. Get better at saying No in 2017!

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Dial Down the Holiday Drama: Vibrant Life Magazine

Dial Down the Holiday Drama: Vibrant Life Magazine

Is a drama king or queen overthrowing your holiday celebrations? I share tips to manage difficult in-laws, volatile children, and those passive-aggressive comments during family gatherings in this Vibrant Life magazine article.

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When Your Holidays Aren't Merry: Dr. Julie Hanks on Mom Show on KSL Radio

When Your Holidays Aren't Merry: Dr. Julie Hanks on Mom Show on KSL Radio

The pressure to be cheerful and happy during the holidays can be particularly hard for people dealing with grief and loss: the death of a loved one, your first Christmas since being divorced, job loss, or just the passage of time. Lindsay Aerts, host of The Mom Show on KSL Radio, and I sat down to talk about how to manage painful feelings during a time when you're "supposed" to be merry.

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Preventing Holiday Burnout: Mom Show on KSL Radio

Preventing Holiday Burnout: Mom Show on KSL Radio

Are you feeling overwhelmed by high expectations and "shoulds"? I sat down with Lindsay Aerts, host of KSL Radio's The Mom Show to share tips for moms to prevent holiday burnout. Here are a few topics we cover

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How to Navigate Political Talk During Holiday Gatherings: Dr. Julie Hanks Interview with

How to Navigate Political Talk During Holiday Gatherings: Dr. Julie Hanks Interview with

If someone starts a conversation leading down a road you know will be bumpy, feel free to duck out—just acknowledge their comment first, says Hanks. "No one can engage you in an intense political discussion without your willingness to enter that discussion," she says. "You can be really respectful and validate or hear them and then change the subject."

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Partnership Trumps Domination: What's really at stake in this US Presidential Election

After watching yesterday's "Trump Tape" and hearing Donald brag about sexual assault, I can no longer stay silent. Trump epitomizes the dominator model of leadership. Trump is not an outsider. He is the embodiment of hierarchical ranking and abuse of power through fear force and violence (particularly against women and minorities) that is at the heart of all of our current social problems and global crises.

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Assertiveness for Women Entrepreneurs

Sometimes when women have a hard time standing up for themselves, they think it's because of a personal weakness or deficiency. Nicole and I talked about how this tendency is actually representative of a larger cultural context: for the vast majority of recorded history, women have had their voices silenced, and it is only within the last century that we've really been able to reclaim ou

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Assertive and Authentic Communication After Faith Transition: Debrief Society Podcast

If you're struggling to communicate authentically and assertively with loved ones about changes in your faith or religious participation you might enjoy this new Debrief Society podcast interview. Becca and I discuss my new book The Assertiveness Guide for Women and how how questioning your faith or leaving the religious tradition of your family of origin can indicate movement toward a higher level differentiation of self (the ability to be an individual while staying connected to loved ones). We also cover cultural barriers to assertive communication (for LDS women in particular), how to deal with the silent treatment once you've talked to family members about your faith

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