Self-Care in 30 Seconds

Two hands holding a smooth worry stone

“Self-care” has become a buzzword in our current society, but what if I told you it doesn’t have to mean what you might think? Getting a massage, taking a bath, going for a walk, doing yoga, etc. are common things we may think of when we hear the word “self-care”, but self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Although getting a massage is great, sometimes we only have a few moments to decompress before we run into our next work meeting or your child makes the next demand of you, so here are some tips on taking a break for yourself even in the middle of the chaos:

What are other forms self-care then?

If self-care isn’t just what we’ve always been taught, what is it? Below you will find three ways you can practice self-care no matter where you are, no matter how much time you have, and they’re virtually no cost. Try these free self-care ideas.

  1. Drinking water is self-care. You bought that water bottle for a reason, so take 30 seconds to rehydrate. Mindfulness tip: Close your eyes, and notice the temperature of the water as you sip it. Does it have a specific taste or flavor? 

  2. Carry a worry stone…or some other small object that you like touching. Worry stones can be great ways to ground ourselves if we are noticing our stress management skills starting to fail. Keep a small, smooth object in your pocket to fiddle with and ground yourself before a presentation or upcoming stressor.

  3. Get to know which of the 5 senses is most calming for you and capitalize on it. For example, does the smell of lavender instantly transport you to a happier place? Keep a lavender essential oil nearby. Does crunching or chewing on something help you focus and keep your cool? Keep mints or gum in your pocket, purse, or car for easy access. Does tactile sensation help you calm down? Keep a fidget toy with you or wear a ring, bracelet, or necklace that can act as a fidget at times.

What if self-care isn’t enough??

If you are routinely using these easy and free self-care ideas and are still feeling down and stressed, it may be time to make an appointment with your therapist. Contact our office by calling 801.944.4555 or by clicking this link.

Keep on keeping on out there! You got this!

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