Dr. Julie de Azevedo HanksUtah Women & Leadership ProjectTuesday, November 3rd, 2015   6:30 - 8:30 PMEvent being held at Utah Valley Universityhttp://www.eventbrite.com/e/youre-already-good-enough-embracing-imperfection-cultivating-confidence-tickets-18499898695This event is titled, "You're Already Good Enough: How Embracing Imperfection and Cultivating Confidence Frees You to Influence & Lead." Perfectionism, depression, anxiety, and feeling “not good enough” can halt your positive growth and development. Dr. Susan R. Madsen, founder of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, will moderate a lively and engaging panel of therapists, authors, and experts on this topic. The panel will discuss how embracing imperfection can increase self-worth, improve academic achievement, and inspire you to be engaged in your community (locally, nationally, globally) as a resource to other women and girls. Panelists will also discuss how to increase confidence, find your unique voice, and develop leadership skills in order to expand your positive influence. Come and learn how you can be a positive influence on others who may struggle with feeling “never good enough." Women and those who influence them are invited (this means men are welcome too)!This event, held on November 3, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 pm, will be in the Ragan Theater in the Sorensen Center at Utah Valley University. Panelists for this TV talk show type event will include: Dr. Julie de Azevedo Hanks (PhD, LCSW), Dr. Kris Doty (PhD, LCSW), Dr. Julie Clark (PhD), and Dr. Ruth Terrison-McKane (PhD, LCSW). It is hosted by the Utah Women & Leadership Projects and sponsored by the following: Woodbury School of Business, UVU Women's Success Center, Squire, Utah Community Credit Union, Jeffery & Katie Nelson, Crandall Corporate Dietitians, Utah Education Network, Women's Leadership Institute, and the Women's Business Center at the Salt Lake Chamber.This event will conclude with light refreshments as attendees move into dialogue groups. The event will live stream as well (more info to come). Video recordings of the event will also be available at www.uen.org and also rebroadcast on UEN-TV channel 9.1. Come listen, ask questions, and learn!


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