Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Compassion
Research shows that practicing self-compassion can increase healthy motivation for change, help us manage our emotions, increase our overall sense of well-being, and even improve mental function.
Progress Over Perfection
The journey from perfectionism to embracing progress can lead to true growth and fulfillment. As you value progress over reaching that mystical point of “there,” you can learn from each experience and move forward with self-compassion, resilience, adaptivity, and patience.
Common Humanity: A Doorway to Self-Compassion
Do you tend to be hard on yourself? When you make a mistake, do you notice that self-blame and judgment end up making everything worse? Do you feel isolated and lonely? Do you struggle with perfectionism? Do you feel embarrassed or overwhelmed by your emotions? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may benefit from a Self-Compassion practice.