4 Common Marriage Myths: Good Things Utah

Marriage is one of the most important relationships, but it can also be one of the most confusing! There are so many false beliefs perpetuating about what a good marriage really looks like. And while we may know in our minds that other couples have struggles as well, it's not always something we talk about. Here are 4 common marriage myths:

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How Expressing Difference Brings Connection

How is differentiation of self related to assertiveness? When a woman asserts herself, she is differentiating her needs, thoughts, feelings, or wants from another person. She is essentially saying, “I’m think something different than you. I have other feelings than you do. I’m not you.” True assertiveness, as I define it, means that this is done in a way that’s not alienating or rude but still clearly makes those differences known.

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Assertiveness for Women Entrepreneurs

Sometimes when women have a hard time standing up for themselves, they think it's because of a personal weakness or deficiency. Nicole and I talked about how this tendency is actually representative of a larger cultural context: for the vast majority of recorded history, women have had their voices silenced, and it is only within the last century that we've really been able to reclaim ou

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Your Voice Matters & the Gift of Resentment: Video Interview on MalloryGrimste.com

Delightful video interview with Mallory Grimste about the importance of women speaking up, how to learn from resentment, and personal experiences that inspired my new book The Assertiveness Guide for Women

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On Creativity, the Writing Process, Boundaries & More: PsychCentral Interview

The book features valuable suggestions and poignant real-life examples to help us speak up and effectively express ourselves. As I mentioned in my endorsement, I truly believe it should be required reading for all women and girls. Because setting solid boundaries isn’t something we’re normally taught. And yet it’s the foundation for everything: healthy relationships, a meaningful, fulfilling life.

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