Ask Alice: LDS Garments and Eroticism
Ask a Therapist, Sex Therapy Dr. Alice Roberts, PhD, LCSW, CST Ask a Therapist, Sex Therapy Dr. Alice Roberts, PhD, LCSW, CST

Ask Alice: LDS Garments and Eroticism

Today’s question:

My question is in regards to LDS garments, and the effect they have on purity culture and our sex lives in marriage. My husband and I have been working really hard to improve our sensual relationship. In realizing after 13 years of marriage that we have fallen victim to a lifetime of culture (from the world and our church), and it is time for us to individually really connect with the innate sensual sides of ourselves. One suggestion from an article was to just simply mentally check in with our sensual beings in simple ways throughout the day. I loved that suggestion but instantly realized my garments have become a block to me. When I have them on I simply don't allow myself to feel sensual, or sexy. How can I get over this block?

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Protecting Our Loved Ones in Ecclesiastical Situations: Mormon Matters Podcast

I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on a recent episode of the "Mormon Matters" podcast; I joined other LDS therapists to talk about ways that we can ensure ourselves and our families are protected in ecclesiastical situations. With the #MeToo movement and other instances of high-profiled men abusing their position of power to take advantage of vulnerable people, it's time we take a look at the dynamics of how all of this applies to Mormonism. The purpose of our discussion was not to instill paranoia or fear that dominates our thoughts, but instead to empower Mormon families to be smart and safe in how they approach ecclesiastical settings. 

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LDS Bishops' Interviews & Sexuality: Mormon Land Podcast

The #MeToo hashtag (and the subsequent exposing of many high-profile figures as sexual predators) has given us as a society a lot to grapple with. From a Latter-day Saint perspective, some are questioning how appropriate it is for bishops to be talking about sexual matters with young people (particularly girls). I recently sat down with former LDS bishop Richard Ostler to talk about these critical issues for the Mormon Land Podcast. Here are some highlights from our discussion:

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