ADHD: It’s Not Just a Lack of Focus

Man struggling with symptoms of adult adhd

When someone says they have ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity many correlate this with a lack of focus and inability to sit still. While these are common symptoms of adult ADHD, ADHD often goes beyond this. If you are an adult with ADHD, are wondering what having adult ADHD is like, or are looking for resources to help with ADHD, keep reading because we may be able to help.

ADHD Adults

Many individuals with ADHD often express that the name “Attention Deficit” does not fit their experience but rather they have more than enough attention but have difficulty regulating their attention. This can make it difficult for individuals with ADHD to transition especially when they have to quit a task they enjoy for a task that may seem boring.

This can be confusing for individuals who don’t have adult ADHD but may have a close relationship with someone with ADHD because they notice the adult ADHD person can easily focus on things they find interesting but often avoids tasks they find boring.

Common Struggles for Adults with ADHD

Adults with ADHD tend to struggle with executive functioning such as planning and prioritizing as well as organization. This can make it difficult for adults with ADHD to keep up with the demands of adulthood such as keeping the house clean, cooking meals, and managing a budget.

ADHD adults may also experience a lot of shame because of their inability to keep up with these demands and can feel like a “failure” or may label themselves as “lazy.” This may also lead to feelings of depression and anxiety in their life which are also common for individuals with ADHD. 

Individuals with ADHD may also struggle to regulate their emotions and may often experience emotions more intensely than others. A term that many adults with ADHD  resonate with is called “Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria” or RSD which is intense pain that is triggered by criticism or rejection from someone important in their life. ADHD individuals may go out of their way to avoid rejection by people-pleasing or avoiding social situations. 

Tips for ADHD Adults

If you are an adult with ADHD here are some tips that may be helpful for you.

  • Attend Talk Therapy
    Therapy can help adults with ADHD learn skills to improve emotion regulation as well as learn how to challenge unhealthy thinking patterns that may come from having ADHD. A therapist can also help you make necessary changes in your life in order to accomplish your goals. (Looking for the best therapist to help with ADHD near me? Click here to browse a list of our ADHD therapists)

  • Talk to Your Doctor About Medication
    Medication has been found to be very effective in treating ADHD symptoms and is best used in combination with other treatments such as talk therapy

  • Practice Mindfulness
    Mindfulness can help release stress and improve calmness which can also improve focus. 

  • Make Changes to Your Environment
    This could be finding an organization system that works for you such as using timers, or visual reminders. Visual reminders can be leaving yourself notes or any visual cues that remind you of a task you need to complete. Another helpful tip is creating a launchpad where important items (keys, wallet) you use daily are placed in a designated area when you first walk through the door to help avoid misplacing these items.

Resources for Adults with ADHD

If you’re an adult struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, there is no shame in seeking help. Our compassionate and professional team of highly trained therapists is ready to equip you with skills, tools, and resources, to help you navigate ADHD. You are not alone on your journey.

Schedule your initial appointment today by calling or texting 801.944.4555 or emailing us here.

This post was updated in 2024 by the Wasatch Family Therapy team.


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