TRIUMPHSometimes things happen in our lives that we aren’t quite prepared for and can leave us feeling empty and void emotionally. When these events occur we can incorporate a few strategies that can help us develop a sense of resiliency so that we are better prepared to face the perfect storms life has to offer. Here are a few surprisingly simple emotional coping strategies that are easy to do and cost very little money if any at all that can get you back in the saddle:

  • Sing, play, or listen to inspiring music. Nothing brings about a greater sense of relief from burden than lifting your voice in song. If singing is not your thing then playing an instrument can also be very therapeutic as you find yourself being swept away in the composition of a great tune. If you lack the talent to play an instrument do not worry because you can always listen to the work of others where the grey skies of your mind can be temporarily interrupted by the sunshine of music.
  • Take a bath. How often do you take the time out of your day to slow it down and meditate in a bathtub full of your favourite smelling aromatherapy products? Probably not as often as you think. Making time for a bath can be an excellent way to recharge your mind, body, and soul. In fact the actual process of bathing can serve as a metaphoric cleansing of the bad allowing for the good to shine through.
  • Allow yourself to feel peace and happiness. We can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the world and try to move on past hard times prematurely. Give yourself permission to feel peace and experience happiness. This can be in the form of taking a moment to smell a bouquet of flowers or having fun playing in the park. Allow the small things and little joys of life to happen in your life for it is the small things that can become great things to help you through the rough spots.
  • Identify comforting activities, places, and objects. Ever thought about that security blanket you used to have as a child or that favourite stuffed animal with the missing eye as being childish? Think again! Those were soothing and comforting for a reason so pull them out of the attic from time to time to hold and remind you that everything is going to be alright.
  • Look through family photos. As awkward as family photos can get with your uncle rocking that wicked mullet wearing a Hanson shirt, it can still bring about a chuckle and a smile. Those moments of happiness, silliness, and bliss are captured moments in time when things were fun and perhaps simpler. Give yourself the time to reminisce those days because they are precious and dear and can help you see the brighter side during the dark times.

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