Five Do’s and Don’ts of Separation Anxiety

Five Do’s and Don’ts of Separation Anxiety

If you have a child who is struggling with separation anxiety you’ve probably been searching for separation anxiety tips to help ease their struggle. Here are five do’s and don’ts for helping your child with separation anxiety.

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Tips & Ideas to Help Your Child Navigate Difficult Times

Tips & Ideas to Help Your Child Navigate Difficult Times

Stressful times can be challenging to navigate, and children do not always have the words to express their feelings. Children are perceptive, and they feel the effects of change. Here are some ways to help your child navigate difficult times.

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Tips to Get Your Child Back-To-School Ready
Mental Health, Parenting, Children Ang Haroldsen, LCSW Mental Health, Parenting, Children Ang Haroldsen, LCSW

Tips to Get Your Child Back-To-School Ready

As summer break draws to an end, the excitement of a new school year can sometimes be accompanied by feelings of anxiety for children. School anxiety and school refusal are common issues children face this time of year. Such behavior may become a routine problem in a small percentage of students. Some children with school refusal may have an earlier history of separation anxiety, social anxiety, or depression.

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