Lessons From the Barbie Movie From a Therapist

An assortment of barbies - therapist lessons from the barbie movie

Photo by Sean Bernstein on Unsplash

In honor of it being 1 year since the Barbie movie came out, here are some thoughts as a therapist who works with eating disorders and body image in Utah. One of the things that stuck out most to me about the Barbie movie was her choice to leave Barbie Land and become human.

Lessons from The Barbie Movie

As a society, we have had discussions and researched the effects Barbie has had on body image. We have come up with every procedure, cream, and product imaginable to attain the Barbie Land beauty standard.

In the movie, the Barbies are all appalled and disgusted to see Barbie’s new flat feet and cellulite, however as Barbie goes into the real world and feels a full range of emotions, she discovers that the opportunity to to feel and be human is beautiful.

Even after feeling the emotions that are difficult to feel, having cellulite, and flat feet, she chose to be human because she saw beauty in it. And after that, the shame that came with a changing body didn't matter anymore and was replaced with excitement.

She recognized that to really have enjoyment, she had to embrace humanity—cellulite, big feelings, and all.

You are Worthy of Experiencing Life

One of the biggest things I, an eating disorder therapist in Utah, see with clients struggling with body image is the ways they rob themselves of joy out of fear that they aren’t enough.

  • They don’t plan the dream vacation

  • They don’t go after the relationship

  • They don’t learn the new hobby

  • They don’t make the desired career change

They don’t do all of these wonderful things because they believe they need to be in a smaller or different body to achieve them. You are worthy of experiencing success, joy, and fulfillment in the body you have right now.

In a world obsessed with optimization and the pursuit of perfection, Barbie recognizes that the Barbie Land beauty standard isn’t sustainable. She finds that there is fulfillment in the messiness of life. In the scene where Barbie sits next to an elderly woman, and sees aging for the first time in her life, she is struck with the significance of humanity and the idea that she is so much more than a body. My hope is that rather than holding ourselves back from a life of meaning and fulfillment and believing we aren’t enough, we can respond like the elderly woman, to Barbie pointing out her beauty, with an honest and genuine, “I know it”.

Resource for Eating Disorders or Body Image Issues

If you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder or body image issues, please seek help. The therapists at Wasatch Family Therapy will compassionately and professionally help you learn the skills needed to experience success, joy, and fulfillment in the body you have right now. Text or call 801.944.4555 or fill out this contact form to schedule your therapy appointment in Utah today.


Shhhhh! I'm Trying To Be Mindful!


Progress Over Perfection