canstockphoto14934251 on the link above to see what Family Therapist Clair Mellenthin LCSW has to say about rekindling the spark in a relationship.Clair says, "It is easy to fall into a status quo in relationships and to become stagnant but comfortable." If this sounds like you, don't worry, Clair has 5 Ways to Rekindle Your Relationship.5 Ways to Rekindle Your Relationship:

  1. Surprise your partner with a sticky note every day this month with a short 1 sentence note (I love you! You are hot! etc.).
  2. Make sure to start the day and end the day with an embrace. a hug goes a long way even on the "off " days.
  3. Schedule 5 minutes each night to sit together without TV and ask about how your partner's day was.
  4. Initiate intimacy- especially if you are the one who typically doesn't start it.
  5. Say thanks for the little things. make an effort every day to find something you can say thank you to your partner.

Head on over to, or call 801-944-4555 to make an appointment with Clair.


Women's Workshop with Dr. Julie Hanks July 26


Women's Workshop with Dr. Julie Hanks July 26