Ask A Therapist: Am I Developing A Panic Disorder?

I just recently graduated high school and I currently don't have a job. I spend both day and night inside the house either babysitting, watching TV, or writing on my novel. I don't really have anyone to talk to besides my family because all of my friends have left for college. I'm beginning to feel pretty alone. Starting last month I have been having indigestion, trouble swallowing, a little bit of nausea, and my thoughts race out of control. Do the symptoms that I feel have anything to do with anxiety or is my boredom causing my mind to create symptoms? The symptoms are starting to happen when I get into a car to the point where I flat out refuse to even get into one. I'm afraid that I have the beginnings of panic disorder. Is this all in myhead?

A: Thanks for writing in. The concerns you're describing do sound concerning enough to warrant a mental health evaluation. Watch the video below for my complete answer...Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW

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