What Does a Therapist Do?

Road sign at a crossroad pointing left and right. This is symbolic of the question what does a therapist do.

I was recently asked: “What does a therapist do? Are they supposed to validate and challenge you or what?”. There are many ways that therapists help improve mental and emotional health. For this post, I’m going to expand on that question and share just a few of the many ways a therapist can help you.

Requirements for Therapists

Before I get into how a therapist helps and what therapists do, let’s talk about the role of therapists and therapy. Psychotherapy, therapy, or talk therapy is appropriate to diagnose and treat mental illness and heal relationship distress. Therapy is often focused on the present and future, but it also focuses on the past, including trauma.

Therapists must have at least a master’s degree in a mental health field (social work, marriage and family therapy, psychology, mental health counseling, psychiatric nursing) and be licensed to practice psychotherapy. Students and associates can practice therapy under the supervision of a licensed therapist.

What Does a Therapist Do and How Does It Help?

Therapists do so much more than simply offer advice or solutions—they create a space where you can truly explore, process, and grow. Below are some key ways a therapist can support you on your journey.

  • Listen - Therapists create a safe, non-judgmental space to express your thoughts and feelings.

  • “Get” You - They strive to truly understand your experiences, emotions, and struggles. This helps you feel seen and heard and is extremely validating and healing.

  • Validate Your Experience - A good therapist acknowledges the reality of your feelings and experiences which provides reassurance that your emotions are valid and meaningful.

  • Challenge Your Thinking and Stories You Tell Yourself About Your Experience - They help you recognize unhelpful thought patterns and reframe your perspective to support growth and healing.

  • Help You Feel Your Feelings - Many people were taught that certain emotions were bad. However, a therapist will help you experience, process, and name all of your emotions. (Grab our free printable feelings list for help naming your feelings.)

  • Create a Safe Environment to Bring All of Yourself - Therapy offers a judgment-free space where you can show up as you are without fear of rejection or criticism.

  • Model a Secure Attachment - Therapists help you develop a sense of trust and emotional security by providing consistent, reliable support. This can positively impact your relationships.

  • Help You Organize Your Experiences in a Way That Makes Sense to You - They help you make sense of past and present experiences which helps create a narrative that promotes self-understanding and healing.

  • Be With You - They’ll sit with you in your pain and offer support without needing to “fix” anything.

  • Empathize With You - A therapist has the unique capability of stepping into your world with compassion while holding space for you and the emotions you’re navigating.

How to Find a Good Therapist Near Me

If you’ve ever searched “the best therapist near me” or “good therapist near me” you know the value of having a good therapist. We may be biased, but we believe that the team of therapists at Wasatch Family Therapy is the best in the area. We strive to provide compassionate therapy for individuals of all ages. Contact us today to schedule your appointment by calling or texting 801.944.4555.


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