The Ins and Outs of Play Therapy
Seeking therapy for your child can feel overwhelming and daunting, often leading to delays in scheduling that first appointment. This article is here to guide you on what to expect when your child begins therapy.
Play Therapy: How long will it take?
One of the most effective therapeutic interventions for children is play therapy. A common question from parents during the initial session is, “How long will this take?” It’s a valid question, though the answer varies. Generally, you can expect around 20 sessions (Carmichael, 2006; Landreth, 2002).
I often use two metaphors to explain the extended duration of play therapy. First, consider therapy like enrolling your child in a sport, but instead of soccer, it’s emotional coaching. Children’s sports seasons typically last about 12 weeks; therapy might take one or two sports seasons.
The second metaphor involves a leaky roof. You can ignore it, patch it yourself, or cover it with a tarp. Sometimes that works, but other times, the foundation rots, requiring extensive repairs. Therapy is similar; addressing issues early can lead to quicker resolutions.
Play Therapy: Progression
An important aspect of play therapy is progression. Initially, children may show improvement, but original issues might resurface. This is a positive sign. Research indicates that children may regress for a short time as they express their needs and deeply process emotions (Norton & Norton, 2002). Remember, the only way out is through the mess.
Several factors affect progression rates: frequency and caregiver involvement. Therapy is recommended on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. Consistency is key here for therapeutic progression; skipping or missing sessions repeatedly causes cracks in the foundation. So for 20 sessions, therapy may take 10 months. However, there is a workaround—including you in the therapy. Best practices recommend seeing your child’s therapist at least once every four sessions. Emerging research also supports more frequent parental involvement—brief check-ins of 2-5 minutes each session, additional one-on-one sessions with the therapist, and family therapy— decreasing session length by practicing coping skills at home and learning how to use proactive parenting skills. When choosing a therapist, look for someone who understands play therapy and actively includes you in the process. Visit for more information.
Play Therapy: Family Involvement
Consider this metaphor: think of a car with worn tires. When one goes flat, you replace it, and it works great. However, eventually, all tires will need replacing. In therapy, the car represents the family unit, and each tire is a person. Therapy can patch things up, but whole family involvement promotes lasting, sustainable functioning. You may feel hesitant signing your child up for therapy; it’s okay; we will help support you through the process so you and your family can achieve long-term benefits. So let’s get you and your family back on the road.
Make an appointment to start Play Therapy today
We have wonderful therapists who are ready to start meeting with your child. Schedule your initial appointment with a therapist at Wasatch Family Therapy by texting or calling 801.944.4555 or filling out this form.