DIY Therapy vs. Therapy with a Therapist
With more access to information through social media, the internet, and books, therapy is often portrayed as something we can DIY through learning skills, boundaries, coping strategies, etc. While those things can be helpful and a part of the therapeutic process, they are not a replacement for legitimate mental health therapy. Here are a few reasons DIY therapy is not a full replacement for legitimate mental health therapy with a licensed professional.
Therapy is All About the Relationship
The main reason therapy is different is because it's relational. Therapy involves a relationship with another person where we are able to play out our difficulties or problems with another person in a new way in a healthy and safe environment. Relationships can't be replicated by ourselves through Instagram therapy or self-help books. Relational problems require more than just skills to heal from, they require relational practice and solutions.
Healthy relationship attachment is a very important part of the therapeutic relationship. A therapist’s role is not only to help you process feelings, but it is also to model healthy attachment as they work with you in your sessions. To the best of their ability, they should be modeling what secure attachment looks like so that you can practice replicating that with them and then try to apply it to the relationships in your life.
Therapy is Personalized, Self-Help is Not
A problem I have seen with the increase of therapy being discussed on social media is therapy verbiage, advice, and information being generalized and applied to the general public, instead of the person it was intended for. Therapists create treatment plans for their clients individually and mindfully, considering what tools and feedback apply to that specific client, their history, lifestyle, etc. When this information is shared online, it is often generalized as if it is applicable to everyone. When information is passed this way, it is often like a game of telephone, getting less accurate as it moves down the line, and the message becomes less applicable as it is applied to people it wasn’t intended for.
That being said, books and social media are great resources that make mental health information accessible to a lot of people, and that can be an awesome thing, just remember that while it may give you good skills to implement into your life, it does not give you personalized information for your life, and it does not give you an environment and relationship to practice with where you can get specific feedback tailored to you individually.
Advice for Self-Help and Social Media Therapy
I often recommend books, podcasts, or other resources to clients due to how accessible they are and how convenient it is to have a resource that can provide well organized psychoeducation. However, when I recommend those resources, I also recommend that my clients consume the information how it was intended, which means they should consume it like it was written for the general public or for a general group of individuals, because it was, and it isn’t personalized health information written for you. Self-help resources are a great tool for making mental health education more accessible, but if the resources are available to you, I recommend discussing what you’ve learned with a mental health professional. This will allow you to receive information that is applicable to your mental health experience and provides a space for you to practice playing out adjustments you are making within a real relationship.
Make an Appointment with a Therapist Today
If you are ready to move from DIY therapy to a therapeutic relationship with a licensed therapist, we are ready to assist you. Schedule your initial appointment with a therapist at Wasatch Family Therapy by texting or calling 801.944.4555 or filling out this form.