Ask A Therapist: Feeling Depressed, Angry, And Irritable

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety a little more than a year ago, although I have been feeling this way for a really long time. I feel like Iā€™m angry all the time. I want to be happy, but sometimes I feel like the anger is just always there. I have a wonderful husband and family and am happy with them, but I just cannot seem to shake this feeling. The littlest things bother me to where I can hold a grudge. I feel like I'm irritable a lot of the time and sometimes, I feel as though I could just scream at any moment. Other times, I just feel like crying. I would really appreciate some feedback about this and maybe some type of mental exercises that I can do to start controlling all this built up anger before it gets any worse.

A: Thank you for writing in. You said you were diagnosed with depression and anxiety but I'm curious if you're being treated for it currently? If you are on any type of medication, I suggest that you talk with your health care provider and make sure that the dosage and medication is actually helping. Please watch the video for the complete answer.Take Good Care of Yourself,Julie Hanks, LCSW

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