Ask A Therapist: How Do I Tell My Parents I Want Therapy?

These past few months have been different for me. I don’t feel complete. I have no hobbies, romantic relationships, or sports that I enjoy, whereas it seems everyone I know has these things. I belong to a middle class family and we have plenty of money and things, but something in my life is missing. I want to ask my parents if I can see a therapist or someone, but I’m too embarrassed and my parents will ask me questions about what’s wrong and I’ll feel stupid because I don't have any answers. I don’t self-harm, but I’ve thought about it. I’ve got one good friend and a twin sister, but I always feel lonely… and I feel like something in my life is missing. I realize that I’m very young (14) and that life gets better, but I honestly just need answers. Why do I feel this way? What’s missing? Is there something wrong with me? Do other people feel this way?

A: Please talk to your parents from your heart. You don't have to have all of the answers and it's OK to tell your parents, "I don't know," if they ask you questions you're not sure how to answer. Let them know that you want to see a therapist. Watch the video below to hear the complete answer.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW

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