Ask A Therapist: How Do I Open up Emotionally to my Therapist?

How do I open up to my therapist? I am constantly worried that he might think I'm trying to get attention. I have an eating disorder and I'm slightly overweight according to my BMI. I've overexercised, took laxatives, and most recently diet pills. I ended up giving my therapist one session because I was taking so many that it made me fell terrible. I'm just not able to be truly open and honest. He really is a great therapist, and I have a deeper connection with him than most others in my life. I have these feelings outside of therapy, but when I go in, I put on a face that everything is ok. How do I work on this to communicate better?

A: Great question! The emotional pattern of guarding your feelings is likely part of the reason you're in therapy in the first place. Watch the video below for complete answer.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW

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