What is Movember and How Does it Relate to Mental Health?

Man posing for Movember Mental Health picture

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

You might be asking yourself, “what is Movember?” Or, “why is a therapist writing about Movember? Isn’t that just about men’s prostate cancer and mustaches?” While yes, both of those things are true, Movember is so much more.

What is Movember?

Movember is primarily to bring attention to various medical and mental health issues that men often face or go unspoken, and to promote longer healthier men’s lives. Movember examines mental health from a perspective tailored to men, emphasizing preventative measures, early intervention, and the promotion of well-being.

During this month of Movember, my goal is to let everyone out there, mustache or no mustache, know how they can participate and show love for the men in their lives. One of the primary causes that is talked about during Movember is suicide. Every hour of every day we lose 60 men to suicide. In order to bring attention to this and build resources to support men’s mental health, Movember challenges you to move for 60 miles throughout the month.

How to Show Support During Movember

Moving can look like, biking, swimming, walking, hiking, or running. If you do not want to move or grow a mustache, here are some other ways to show your support.

How you can show support:

  • Move for 60 miles for the 60 men lost across the world each hour

  • Grow yourself the best mustache the world has ever seen

  • Donate to the Movember cause

  • Do your own epic adventure and tag Movember

  • Host a gathering and highlight the importance of Movember

Mental Health Resources for Men

If you are struggling with your mental health or know someone struggling with their mental health, here are some helpful resources.

  • To speak with someone immediately, contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988.

  • To schedule an appointment with a therapist at Wasatch Family Therapy, call or text 801.944.4555.


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