Mormons and Mental Health Therapy: KSL Radio Interview

Mormons & Mental Health KSL RadioWasatch Family Therapy's Julie Hanks, LCSW, Clair Mellenthin, LCSW, and colleague Sue Beuhner, LCSW talk with KSL Newsradio's Amanda Dickson on a special LDS Conference edition of "A Woman's View" program.

Scroll down to listen to the podcast.

  • When should a problem be discussed with a bishop and when should an individual seek professional help?
  • What if one spouse wants to go to marriage counseling and the other spouse refuses to go?
  • How should a parent handle a situation when a child needs mental health therapy but they refuse to talk to a therapist?
  • Why is there so much shame associated with seeking mental health therapy?
  • What is the balance of seeking spiritual strength and seeking professional criticism?
  • What about the use of psychotropic medication? Is it really helpful or just a pill-popping, quick-fix culture?
  • What are common LDS cultural myths around seeking therapy?

Listen to the podcast below

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When and How To Be More Assertive: Julie Hanks on KSL's Studio 5


Studio 5 with LCSW Holly Willard: Encouraging Honesty in Children