Stop Over-Thinking!

Woman Relaxing YogaWhat occupies your thoughts throughout the day? I’m sure that you, like me,are peacefully present in each moment of time- enjoying the company, conversations,and sensory experiences around you. Ha! While that sounds delightful, I admit that Istruggle to turn off my busy brain and just be. I know I’m not alone, because “overanalyzing”and constant mind-chatter are common complaints I hear from clients andfriends. The seriousness of the problem can range from simple unwanted worry toobsessive over-thinking that can cause insomnia and major anxiety. If you relate to theplight of the over-analyzer, I have good news. There are many therapeutic techniquesthat, when done consistently, result in a more peaceful and present thought process.Here are my three favorites:

1. Write in a “brain-drain” journal daily.

This technique was made popular in a great book by Julia Cameron called The Artist’s Way. The book is a guide to unblocking our creative selves, but I found that thetechniques Cameron writes about are also useful to lower negativity and anxiety.Cameron teaches that by writing a few pages of stream-of-conscious nonsensejournaling, you can effectively calm your brain and expel much of the obsessive chatterbefore the day even begins. This anything-go-style journaling changed my life! I neverre-read the pages. I just take out the mental trash, and then feel greater clarity ofthought for the rest of the day.

2. Learn breathing techniques and mindfulness.

It’s simpler than you might think to slow down that inner-monologue and relax in amatter of minutes throughout even the busiest of days. When your mind starts toobsess or worry, say out loud, “Stop!” Then take three very slow cleansing breathes,listening to the whoosh of the inhale and exhale, imagining it to be the sound of theocean in your mind. Repeat as often as needed to break the over-thinking cycle. Youwill get better and better at it, and will soon be able to relax and re-focus very quickly.

3. Train your mind to resonate on happy thoughts.

Why is it that when we overthink, the thoughts get progressively more negative andworrisome rather than increasingly optimistic? Let’s break the habit of dwelling on theworst-case scenario, and be brave and hopeful enough to daydream about the best-casescenario! Spend time memorizing motivating quotes, hopeful scriptures, and readinguplifting literature. Fantasize that good things are about to happen all around you.Keep a gratitude journal. Give compliments to strangers. If our minds are anxiouslyengaged in looking for ways to positive and present, it’s much more difficult to bebrooding in over-analyzing!Good luck! It’s hard work to change old habits, but hopefully the immediate rewards ofhappy thoughts will help you stick with it. If these simple tips seem impossible, and thenegative thoughts feel deeper than just a bad habit, being assessed for possibledepression and anxiety is very important. A therapist at Wasatch Family Therapy canhelp.

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This Week at WFT 3/10/14


This Week at WFT 3/3/14