Moving Beyond Your Painful Past With Lifespan Integration

Children look to their parents to provide unconditional love and acceptance in infancy and early childhood. When children are subjected to trauma or neglect or when parental support is lacking, the child is left feeling unloved and sadly, unlovable. These feelings remain with us into our adult lives and can have a profound influence on our current relationships, often without us realizing the connection to our early childhood experiences.Fortunately, there is much that can be done to “rewrite” these memories and to move into the future rather than feeling “stuck” in the past. For most people this requires professional help from a trained therapist.A revolutionary new therapy called Lifespan Integration is now available and being used worldwide to successfully help people of all ages heal recent and past trauma and build a more solid core self.What is Lifespan Integration (LI)?Peggy Pace, developer of LI describes this therapy method in the following way:

This new method relies on the innate ability of the body-mind to heal itself. Lifespan Integration uses a psychological technique called an "affect bridge" to find a memory which is connected to the current problem. The therapist guides the client to imaginally re-visit this past memory, bringing into the past whatever is needed to resolve the memory. After the memory is resolved, the therapist leads the client through time to the present using a Time Line of visual images of scenes from the client's life. This Time Line of memories and images proves to the client's body-mind system that time has passed and that life is different now. This "proof" occurs at a deeper level than is possible with commonly used cognitive behavioral [talk therapy] methods. (source)

How Is Lifespan Integration different than other therapies?LI isn't  re-traumatizing. It is "a very gentle method which works on a deep neural level to change patterned responses and outmoded defensive strategies."How can Lifespan Integration help me move forward in life?I'd love to show you how. If you feel “stuck” in the past and wonder if L Integration could help you, please set up an initial appointment with me here or call Wasatch Family Therapy 801.930.9476 to set up an initial LI session.

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