Ask A Therapist: Could This Be OCD?

Q: OK, I been having a problem where if I see someone that's uneven or something it will bother me greatly and my mind tells me that if I don't fix it something bad will happen to my mom. It's weird, but say I'm reading a book and I skip a word my kind tells me to go back and start over or something will happen to my mom. There's many other things that I will "fix" but why would this happen towards my mom? And do I have OCD? Should I talk to my mom about it, do I have OCD? Thank you.

A: Thanks for writing in. What you're describing does sound like an anxiety disorder, and OCD in particular. I suggest that you get a mental health assessment to get an accurate diagnosis. Hear more suggestions in this video response.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW

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