Ask A Therapist: Why Is My Therapist Is Abandoning Me?

My therapist has told me in 4 sessions I will be passed to someone else. I trusted him and we are in the middle of EMDR. I feel so abandoned and let down. I feel stupid for trusting him. Since I got this information I have hit self-destruct. How can he do this? I don't feel like I could even try to trust anyone again! I don't know what to do. I can't get any answers off anyone including him, I thought they were meant to help not do this? I just don't know anymore. Any ideas?

A: Thank you for writing in. I can tell that this is a very painful situation for you to have to switch therapists after opening up and trusting your current therapist. It's uncommon for a therapist not to give any explanation for transferring a client. Watch the rest of my answer in the video below...Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW

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Ask A Therapist: I'm Not Depressed Or Anxious But Prefer Being Alone


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