[Video] The Truth About Anger

I have met with so many women in my therapy office who have shut down their emotions because they think it's the right thing to do. Anger seems particularly difficult for women of faith to understand, manage, and express in healthy ways.

I'm honored to be a new presenter on Deseret Book's Time Out For Women 2012 Tour "Seek The Good" talking on the topic of developing your most authentic self. Part of the message is the importance of honoring and feeling our emotions. Feelings are a gift to guide our lives. They aren't "good" or "bad". Feelings are INFORMATION to guide us to our most authentic self.Here's a video clip from a recent TOFW presentation about the importance of honoring our emotions...even anger.(original post on TOFW.com)I hope to see YOU at one of the TOFW cities this year!Have you been taught to shut down "negative" feelings?What have the consequences been for you? For your emotional and physical health?How do you manage painful emotions in healthy ways?

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