a desk covered in art supplies and coffee supples. man seated at desk with an open sketchbook

Last January, as I was considering some of the challenges I was facing and deciding what I wanted to focus on for the year, I had the thought come to me “I need space.” This felt true and wise to me so I decided to consider it inspiration and settled on the phrase “Make Space” as my theme for the year. The mantra I created to go with my theme read: I make space for the important things in my life, including myself. I then broke that idea down into different categories I wanted to make space for in my life. I included things on my list like creativity, relationships, progressing at work, rest–pretty basic stuff.

Healing Spaces

Then a funny thing happened that made me realize there was more to my space-making than I initially anticipated. I don’t recall what I was doing at the time the revelation hit. I’m sure it was something super important like pondering the meaning of life...or putting away my laundry. It doesn’t really matter. All I know is that one day I was struck with a feeling of joyful gratitude as images of some of my most-loved spaces entered my mind. The gratitude came as I became aware of the integral role each of the spaces played in the healing work I have done this year. It was in this visionary experience that I realized I didn’t just spend the year making conceptual space for myself. I also created spaces in the physical realm that have enabled me to meet those goals of improving my creativity, relationships, work skills, and ability to rest. 

While many images of healing spaces came to mind during this experience, three that stood out include an outdoor space, a creative space and a portable space.

Outdoor Space

This year, with the help of my family, I removed some grass and put down some flagstone in a small, slightly shady corner of my back yard. I purchased a couple of lounge chairs and set them on the flagstone and this became a space for me to soak up sun, look at stars, read, stare at trees, and experience peace and quiet.  Research has shown a multitude of benefits that come from being outdoors; I believe all of it because when I am outside I feel a shift in my body. I have struggled with chronic fatigue and sometimes the only thing I have the energy to do is to get outside and sit. And it is enough. This space helped me be able to rest. 

Creative Space

As my family shrunk from four children to one child living at home, I decided it was permissible to commandeer one of the extra bedrooms (savage, I know) and turn it into an art room. A coat of paint, a new light fixture and some shelving transformed the room into a creative haven for me. Several years ago I developed a love of watercolor painting but struggled to find time and space to create. Having an art room has given me a space to be messy and focus on creation. I underestimated how integral this little space would be for me in my healing journey. I don’t know all the neurological ins and outs of how creativity and healing go together but I know they are interconnected. I didn’t realize how much I needed a creative space until I had one. My art room has given me the space I need to create.

Portable Space

I started doing yoga about 16 years ago, after the birth of my youngest son. I knew it was for me when we were doing the final relaxation pose at the end of class and I had an image come to mind where I was looking down on my own body, laying on the mat with a peaceful smile on my face. It was like my soul was smiling and exhaling all at the same time. Since then, I don’t think I’ve gone a week without practicing some sort of yoga. I love my yoga mats (I’m on my third one) and they all feel like friends to me. I try to take one with me whenever I go on road trips or camping so we’ve been to many places together. Like good friends, they have seen me through many difficult, emotional experiences. My yoga mat has become a reliable space for my body and mind to work through emotions, release old baggage, and calm myself down. The nice thing about a yoga mat as a healing space is that it is portable. Whenever I unroll my mat, I create a space to move, meditate and heal. 

Therapeutic Spaces

As a therapist, I like to think my office is a healing space where people can come with whatever burdens they are carrying and have a place to talk, laugh, cry and do what needs to be done so life can open up outside of therapy in beautiful and meaningful ways. For some of my clients, my office starts off being one of their only healing spaces and a part of their work involves learning to create more space for themselves outside of therapy. That can look different for everyone, but this year I realized it’s important not to overlook the need we all have to spend time in physical spaces where we can rest, create and heal. 

If you need support in the New Year, the therapists at Wasatch Family Therapy are ready to stand beside you and support you on your journey. Schedule your initial appointment by texting or calling 801.944.4555 or filling out this form.


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