Are You a Good Gift Giver? 5 Love Languages

.The holiday season is an opportunity for young couples, families, and friends to show how much they mean to one another.  Some people seem to have gift-giving down to an art form.  However, there are those who habitually struggle with finding the right gift and don’t even realize it. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right gift for your loved ones this holiday season:Not everyone appreciates gifts in the same way.  This isn’t what the retailers want you to think.  According to Dr. Gary Chapman, a top-selling author and marriage counselor, gift giving is one of the five ways we can show our loved ones that we care.  However, there are four other primary ways to show love and affection:  Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Quality Time. It is important to know what type of gifts our loved ones truly appreciate.  If your wife’s primary love language is quality time, give her a coupon for a date night, just the two of you, without the kids.  If your husband’s is physical touch, place some cards for “free foot rubs” in his stocking this year.  If your mother feels loved through words of affirmation, write her a note expressing your appreciation for her.Typically, we will show love to others by our own preferred way of feeling affection.  This is natural; it is the language we understand.  However, our language doesn’t always translate to our loved ones.  Even though the intent of showing affection is there, it can lose its meaning by the one who is receiving the gesture.  Spend some time observing how your loved ones are showing you their affection to get clues as to what they appreciate.  Or, really go out on a limb and just ask them!When it comes to tangible gifts, it may not be “romantic” or “classy,” but try asking your loved ones for a few ideas of what he or she wants.  Then you can pick a couple of them (so that it is still a surprise).  If they won’t tell you, remind them that they are going to have to live with possibly not getting what they want!  Instead of sending the wish list to Santa, send it to one another!  Follow these tips to be a good gift giver this holiday season.

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