Salt Lake City Women Breaks Silence About Infant Loss/Stillbirth on Discovery Health Nov. 3

A local Salt Lake City, UT woman "Jen" will tell her story on Discovery Fit & Health series this Thurs. November 3, 2011 8PM MT/ 10PM ET.

After delivering a stillborn baby nine months ago, Jen now finds herself pregnant again and scheduled to deliver on the anniversary of her baby's death. Feeling alone with no friends to support her during her loss, she fears going through loss again. (

I had the privilege of working with "Jen" for 2 sessions at Wasatch Family Therapy to help her manage her grief from losing her son, manage her fears about having another stillbirth, and decide how to tell her friends and get their support. Many women who struggle with infant loss suffer in silence and like "Jen", struggle to reach out to others to get emotional support through their grief.If you have experienced infant loss and are having difficulty moving through the grief, talking to family and friends, joining a support group, or seeking counseling can help to ease your burden.Here's a clip from "Jen's" story...

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