Fire Child, Water Child - Cowan's 5 Types of ADHD

canstockphoto13998194Do you feel that you have a fire child? Parents of children identified as suffering from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) sometimes do. They may wish that their child was more identified with the properties of water - seemingly calm and serene.Dr. Stephen Scott Cowan, in his book "Fire Child, Water Child: How Understanding the 5 types of ADHD can help you improve your child's self-esteem & attention" encourages parents, as well as practitioners, to view their ADHD-identified child as one of the "five primal powers described in Chinese medicine as Wood, Fire,Earth, Metal, and Water" (p. v). The first line of the introduction in Cowan's book, "ADHD is a symptom, not a disease," sets the tone for the remainder of the book.He explains that caregiver interactions with children identified as ADHD are less successful when they come from a place of fear.  Fear uses words like "something is wrong with my kid," or "what can you do to fix him/her?" While Cowan admits that the ability to pay attention in class is definitely a problem, he disagrees that it is the problem and it doesn't mean that something is wrong with a child. He shares how focusing on the problems a child exhibits will bring up feelings of judgment, guilt, and fear for both the child and the caregivers in his or her life. He instead chooses to direct the reader's attention to what they ultimately want to see the child experience in the school setting: success. He suggests that we can learn to develop a "sense of compassion for the diverse ways in which we engage with the world" and recognize "the qualities each child has to offer" (p. 1)  in attempts to manage the natural gifts of a child's personality. When we embrace and nurture these natural gifts, they can become strengths that aid in improving focus for the classroom setting.What are the natural gifts of a child's personality? Usually these are the behaviors that teachers observe in the school setting that are discussed in parent-teacher conferences and lead to a visit to the pediatrician's office for a medical assessment. Behaviors such as being always on the move, active, easily frustrated (wood child); overly social, class clown, mood swings, impulsivity (fire child); worried or indecisive when stressed by the environment (earth child); difficulty shifting out of routine or moving from task to task (metal child); daydreaming, easily distracted and hard to keep on task (water child).Dr. Cowan maps out the path toward improving attention so that children can enjoy school and function effectively at home. He enlists the support and love of parents and caregivers who have control over the home environment to create the first influences that can be shared with other caregivers and teachers to maintain behaviors in the structured school setting.  Dr. Cowan's goal to educate and empower parents, caregivers, and teachers to understand the ways of holistically viewing their children through the 5 primal elements is clear - when we validate the qualities that children possess, we can bring them in tune with their world and help them learn the self-regulation skills necessary for success.Whether your child is diagnosed with ADHD or not, the qualities that make them unique can sometimes contribute to struggles in the school setting. Utilizing Cowan's 5 Types of ADHD may help you learn to embrace these qualities and identify strategies to nurture them to the benefit of your child's ability to focus. Additional skills for focusing in the classroom can only lead to good things. As we transition into the end of the school year, this summer may be a great time to tune in with your child and create a path for improved focus and success at home as well as school!

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