Burnout Cure Audiobook on CD Now Available for Pre-order

Last month I posted on Facebook that I was "auditioning" to read my book  The Burnout Cure audiobook on CD. A lot of people made funny comments about having to audition for my own book. Since I've never been a reader for an audiobook before, I actually wanted to audition to make sure I could do a good job and that my speaking voice would translate well when recorded. Luckily, I passed the audition and spent hours and hours recording the audiobook.Reading Burnout Cure audiobookWhile it was a very tedious process, it was very fulfilling to read my own words the way I wanted to convey them. I found myself feeling choked up at times, giggling at other times, and reminiscing as I shared my own experiences in the book. There were some sections that I had no recollection writing -- which is slightly scary -- but since I finished the manuscript nearly a year ago, I cut myself some slack.It was also slightly painful at times to come across passages that were not as smooth or as clear as I'd hoped. I also found a few little errors in the manuscript that I had to use some positive self-talk to get through -- "It's ok. You can change that in the next printing. The message is still there. This book is still helpful..." Yes, I actually try to practice what I preach.

Pre-order the Burnout Cure book on CD box set ($17.26)

Pre-order The Burnout Cure book

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