Work-Life Balance For Women Entrepreneurs: Julie Hanks on Intuit Small Biz Blog

I was thrilled to be invited to interview on the topic of work-life balance, having just finished reading Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. I really enjoyed the book and think it provides a much needed nudge to women to lean in and let their voices be heard, and to be a little bolder about stepping up to lead.While I haven't written or blogged a lot about the topic of being a female business owner, it is a subject that I LIVE every day! As it turns out I had a lot to say on this subject from my 24 years of trying to find a workable balance between family life and my professional endeavors. It was a joy to share my thoughts in this interview. Work-Life Balance Tips for Women Entrepreneurs | Intuit Small Business Blog (PDF)Work-Life Balance Tips for Women Entrepreneurs | Intuit Small Business Blog (Link*)note* You'll be require to register for the site (free) to read the article online, but if you're a business owner, it has great resources.(c) Can Stock Photo

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