Ask A Therapist: Can Employers Find Out I've Been Hospitalized?

In 2011 I was sent to a Behavioral Center because I tried to kill myself and I was self-harming very badly. I was released after a week and everything was fine. But now I'm trying to get a job and I've applied to many, but every time they fill it with someone who applied after me. I know I'm qualified for the jobs, so I've been wondering if they could see that I had been sent to the health center if I hadn't told them? Please and thank you for your time.

A: Thanks so much for writing in. Assuming you're in the United States, I don’t believe that your employer would have any way of knowing you have been in a behavioral health center. Our privacy laws are very strict and you would have to give permission to the behavioral center to release those records to the employer. For additional thoughts watch my video response.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW

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