10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Throwing In the Towel on Your Marriage

couple sitting on bench looking in opposite directions

Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash

Making the decision to stay or leave your marriage may seem overwhelming in the wake of a revealed affair or other traumatizing event. It’s normal upon hearing that a spouse has been unfaithful to assume the marriage is over and that the love you once shared is gone forever. Both partners may feel highly emotional and perhaps hopeless about their future together. However, this is a good time to put on the brakes and slow things down and ask yourself these questions before considering divorce.

Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Getting a Divorce

Rushing into a life-altering decision such as a divorce may actually compound the problem and prolong the hurt you and your partner are experiencing.  Before making any life-changing decisions, allow yourself a brief waiting period, somewhere between 8 to 12 weeks, to think things through.  Your decision will have far-reaching effects for you, your spouse, and your children.

Read through the following questions and share your answers with your partner, a close friend, or a marriage therapist.

  1.  How will my life be different if we get divorced?

  2.  How will our children’s lives be different?

  3.  What first attracted me to my spouse?

  4.  What are my best memories with my spouse?

  5.  What will I miss the most about my marriage?

  6.  Down deep, do I still love my spouse?

  7.  Are my partner and I generally compatible?

  8.  Is my partner a generally dependable and trustworthy person?

  9.  Am I able to explore vulnerabilities in our marriage?

  10. Am I willing to work on my marriage?

Helpful Resources to Help as You Ask, “How do I know if I should get divorced?”

If you’re in a time of struggle with your partner, it may be time for individual therapy, marriage therapy, couples counseling, and therapy for your kids. Wasatch Family Therapy offers marriage therapy in Utah as well as therapy for any stage you and your family may be in. Contact us by calling 801.944.4555, texting 801.944.4555, or filling out this form.

IMPORTANT: If you are in an abusive relationship, please seek immediate help. You can find resources on the domestic abuse hotline website here.


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