Individual Therapy
Individual therapy or psychotherapy involves working one-on-one with a therapist to plan and create positive changes in your life. Our home-like atmosphere allows clients of all ages to feel comfortable opening up about their concerns. We provide individual therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. Young children are helped individually through play therapy.
People come in for therapy for several reasons, including treatment for depression, anxiety, dissatisfaction with life, eating issues, resolving past trauma, or feelings of emptiness.
Additionally, ongoing psychotherapy is a common and practical means of self-growth and self-actualization. Therapy can help people resolve barriers that interfere with positive qualities, such as joy, compassion, peace, self-esteem, spiritual connection, and love.
The sessions may focus on current or past problems, experiences, thoughts, feelings, or relationships. Sessions may involve learning new skills, trying out new behaviors, working through old issues, grieving, or letting go of things that no longer serve health or well-being.
Some common reasons for seeking therapy are:
Family-of-origin issues
Eating disorders/Body image
Sexual abuse
Addictions (food, sex, shopping, gambling, drugs, alcohol)
Relationship issues
Coping mechanisms
Grief and loss
Trauma, violence, abuse
Sexual problems