@Julie_Hanks Named Top Mental Health Experts on Twitter

Social media canstockphoto6807111Can 140 characters really make a difference? A recent article by a top medial software company Capterra listed their top 33 mental health experts to follow on Twitter...and I made the list.Here's an expert from the article.

Over 280 million people use Twitter regularly, and they each spend 170 minutes per month on the social sharing service. That adds up to a lot of time and energy invested into 140 characters or less, but it also means there’s some great, unique and authoritative voices on Twitter sharing some really awesome things. This is especially true in the mental and behavioral health space, where not only individuals, but organizations, institutes, and departments are busy tweeting the most interesting news and thoughts on treating and understanding mental illness. Read 33 Mental Health Experts You Need to Follow on Twitter

I'm honored to be listed among such a prestigious group!Follow me on Twitter

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