We're Moving! New Location for Utah County Office

Exciting news! We've outgrown our Utah County location in Provo so we are moving to a new office space THIS SAT.After June 1st we will no longer be in our Provo office on University Ave but will be seeing all Utah County clients in our new office location:As of June 1st our NEW Wasatch Family Therapy UT County office address is:

1458 East 820 North, Orem UT 84097

Near the mouth of Provo Canyon, our new office suite has

  • larger offices
  • more offices
  • breathtaking views
  • private bathroom
  • kitchenette

Thank you to our therapists and clients who have made this possible.Make an appointment with one of our Utah County therapists and see how they can help you improve your life and relationships!Here's a map of our new Utah County location. We think you're going to love it!View Larger Map 

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5 Things to Let Go: Studio 5


Ask A Therapist: I'm Not Depressed Or Anxious But Prefer Being Alone