Jordan Forsyth, CSW

Virtual Utah Therapist

I help couples resolve conflict and find the connection they long for.

Client Ages: 18+

Client Population: Adults, Couples, LGBTQ+

Specialties: Couples Counseling, High Conflict Marriage, Infidelity, Sex & Intimacy, Mixed-Faith Marriage, Faith Transitions, Anxiety, Depression

Therapeutic Modalities: The Gottman Method, Attachment, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Professional Associations: Mormon Mental Health Association

Trainings: Gottman Training (Level 1, 2, and Affairs/Trauma)

License: UT CSW #13402529-3502

Fun Facts: Avid reader of fantasy and romcoms. Wife, mom to a toddler, and cat mom to 2 orange kitties named Thomas & Bologna. Food motivated.

Pronouns: She/Her